This VICE global Logo ID animation was created by felt artist Cole Montminy for VICE TV in collaboration with VICE Design Studio.
This VICE global Logo ID animation was created by artist Huw Messie for VICE TV in collaboration with VICE Design Studio.
This VICE global Logo ID animation was created by french artsist, Thami for VICE TV in collaboration with VICE Design Studio.
This VICE global logo ID animation was created by the spookily brilliant Erma Fiend for VICE TV in collaboration with the VICE Design Studio.
This VICE global Logo ID animation was created by Dutch artist Rop van Mierlo for VICE TV in collaboration with VICE Design Studio.
This VICE global Logo ID animation was created by artist Baku Hashimoto for VICE TV in collaboration with The VICE Design Studio.
This VICE global Logo ID animation was created by artist Loe Lee for VICE TV in collaboration with VICE Design Studio.
This VICE global logo ID animation was created by the talented Winston Hacking for VICE TV in collaboration with the VICE Design Studio.
This VICE global Logo ID animation was created by artist Ariane Spanier for VICE TV in collaboration with the VICE Design Studio.
This VICE global Logo ID animation was created by artist Julia Fernandez for VICE TV in collaboration with VICE Design Studio.